Ensure a Wise Investment by Choosing the Best Option.

Best Choice

Discover in us your best choice in Latin America.

Take advantage

Of the skills, knowledge and resources of Latin American CRO MMATISS

Fulfill your needs

During the product development stage.

Optimum balance

Get the optimum balance between investment and value in CRO services

Great experience

Latin American CRO MMATISS has supported the conduct of over 350 multicenter and international Clinical Research Projects.

The right choice

The right choice for you, with over one and a half decade operating in this region.

Deep understanding

Close contact with the local clinical research environment to deep understanding of local conditions.

Effective planning

And a proper and efficient management of the situations emerging during the development of the project.

More of 26 Years Making a Difference in Medical Science!

  • Expertise is our strength


  • Tailor made solutions is our approach


  • The highest standards are our guidance


  • Bottom line results are our focus

Latin American CRO MMATISS

Take a look into your best option in Latin America.

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Supporting Development of Health Technologies

Because human health is fundamental, in MMATISS we contribute to promote it for the world

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Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. The core values are the guiding principles that t dictate behavior and action. Core values can help people to know what is right from wrong, they can help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their business goals; and they create an unwavering and unchanging guide. There are many different types of core values and many different examples of core values depending upon the context.

Our Team

  • Our efforts are oriented towards achievements and excellence.
  • Our company is built around two core assets, its people and the talent of its people.


We believe that work is a lot more than a place where you spend a great amount of time every day. It should be a place where people are nourished with professional growth, personal growth, and with the richness of interpersonal relationships. It should be inspiring and motivate to achieve extraordinary things. We want our people to take pride in their work, to achieve our common goals and to feel satisfied looking back at the contributions they have made. After all, it’s the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and inspiration of our people what make us who we are as an organization.

Our Purpose

The purpose of Latin American CRO MMATISS is to facilitate your product development processes by means of our ability to design and offer customized solutions, which is deemed to constitute one of our distinctive characteristics.

Both, full clinical trial support services and sets of specific services can be provided. MMATISS business model and processes are designed to successfully deliver the solutions that you require.

Discover in us your best choice in Latin America. Take advantage of the flexibility, skills, knowledge and resources of Latin American CRO MMATISS to fulfill your product development needs.